
Al-Qaida’s No. 2 Leader Is Dead

Aug 28, 2011
Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, al-Qaida's second in command and trusted confidant of Osama bin Laden, has been killed in Waziristan, Pakistan's tribal region, a U.S. government official announced Saturday. The State Department had placed a $1 million reward on his head. (more)

Our Robotic Assassins

Jul 1, 2011
The skies over at least six countries are patrolled by robotic aircraft, operated by the U.S. military or the CIA, that fire missiles to carry out targeted assassinations. I am convinced that this method of waging war is cost-effective but not that it is moral.
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Attack of the Drones Begins in Libya

Apr 22, 2011
On Thursday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed that President Obama has given the go-ahead for U.S. forces to send armed Predator drones to Libya. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney officially disapproves of Obama's strategy vis-a-vis the Libyan conflict.