
Good Money After Bad

Feb 18, 2009
Congressional Republicans, with the exception of that embarrassingly shrunken contingent of three moderates, will rue their legacy of deep indifference at a time of true national emergency, one that makes George W. Bush’s far more costly war on terror now seem an absurdly irrelevant exercise.

A Team of Zombies

Feb 6, 2009
Only weeks ago, the political world was buzzing about a "team of rivals," but instead President Obama has populated his administration with Bush yes-men and Wall Street kleptocrats whose discredited theologies cannot be killed.
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Rubin Bows Out of Citigroup

Jan 10, 2009
Almost a year ago, Citigroup's then-director Robert Rubin downplayed the enormity of the economic catastrophe headed our way and made a pre-emptive move to shift any potential blame to politicians instead of financial experts such as himself. Fast-forward to the present and the picture changes considerably.

Tough Road Ahead for New Economic Appointees

Dec 19, 2008
On Thursday, President-elect Barack Obama introduced three top financial appointees who will help him with the unenviable task of revamping the government's economic regulatory system and "crack[ing] down on this culture of greed and scheming that has led us to this day of reckoning,” as Obama put it.

Obama Rolls Out Economic Team

Nov 25, 2008
To fix the ailing economy, Barack Obama has turned to two men who helped break it. On Monday, the president-elect announced Timothy Geithner as his choice for treasury secretary, and Giethner's former mentor in the Clinton Treasury Department, Lawrence Summers, as his pick to head the White House Economic Council.