
Let Them Eat Keller

Oct 20, 2011
Funny, he doesn't look like Marie Antoinette But when former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller asks his readers if they are "bored by the soggy sleep-ins and warmed-over anarchism of Occupy Wall Street," it displays the arrogance of disoriented royal privilege But former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller displays the arrogance of disoriented royal privilege.

High Food Prices Drive Unrest, Study Says

Aug 22, 2011
An old argument says that full or empty bellies lead to contentment or revolt. Recent research supports that claim, showing that spikes in global food prices have coincided with the surge of social unrest and political instability seen recently in North Africa and the Middle East. (more)

Obama Pulls a Clinton

Jan 19, 2011
Here we go again. When Bill Clinton suffered an electoral reversal after his first two years in office, he abruptly embraced the corporate money guys who had financed his congressional opposition in an effort to purchase a second term.This is a case of corporate blackmail pure and simple.
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Blame Clinton, Not Paul

May 26, 2010
What is so great about our bloated federal government that when a libertarian threatens to become a senator, otherwise rational and mostly liberal pundits start frothing at the mouth? What Rand Paul thinks about the Civil Rights Act, passed 46 years ago, hardly seems the most pressing issue of social justice before us.What is so great about our bloated federal government that when a libertarian threatens to become a senator, otherwise rational and mostly liberal pundits start frothing at the mouth?

Greenspan Defends the Fed to Meltdown Commission

Apr 7, 2010
Former Fed chief Alan Greenspan faced the proverbial firing squad, or in this case the congressionally appointed Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, to answer questions Wednesday about his leadership choices at the Fed with regard to some key factors that triggered the financial implosion in 2008.

McCain Gets It, Obama Doesn’t

Jan 6, 2010
Maybe I got it wrong. During the presidential campaign I wrote columns blasting Sen. John McCain for siding with the big bankers on deregulation, citing his choosing ex-Sen. Phil Gramm, currently a vice chairman of the Swiss-owned banking giant UBS, as his presidential campaign chair.Although Obama has blasted “fat cat bankers on Wall Street,” it is time for those who elected him to ask for more than rhetoric.

Wall Street’s Fat Cats Are Still in Charge

Dec 16, 2009
Most Americans now know that Wall Street bankers are so greedy as to never be trusted, and I suppose it is a sign of progress that our president finally seems to grasp the obvious.Most Americans now know that Wall Street bankers are so greedy as to never be trusted. Our president finally seems to grasp the obvious.

UBS Money Laundering: What Did Phil Gramm Know?

Aug 19, 2009
In recent days yet another wealthy private customer of the Swiss-based banking conglomerate UBS admitted to criminal fraud in a growing parade of perp walks that could extend into the thousands. It is a case that threatens to ensnare former Sen. Phil Gramm, the Texas Republican who is vice chairman of UBS’ investment banking business.Was Phil Gramm truly unaware of the widespread efforts at UBS to defraud the U.S. Treasury?

Robin-Hood Republicanism?

Feb 27, 2009
Only months after the 2008 primaries, most Americans probably don’t remember Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul. But that doesn't mean the conservative populism they championed during their campaigns is as fleeting as their dark-horse candidacies.

Getting Warmer

Feb 25, 2009
We are lucky to have Barack Obama as president. I write that even though I believe the content of his Tuesday evening speech deserved no more than a B+ / A-, for its failure to seriously address the origins of the banking crisis and for only hinting at the severe military budget cuts required to get close to his goal of reducing the federal deficit by the end of his first term.