daniel ellsberg

Truthdigger of the Week: The Pulitzer Prize Committee

Apr 19, 2014
When institutions lend their support to the powerless, as the Pulitzer committee did this week to whistle-blowers and their newspapers, the battle is no longer merely between the weak and its oppressors.When institutions lend their support to the powerless, as the committee did to the NSA reporters, the battle is no longer merely between the weak and its oppressors.
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Edward Snowden’s Moral Courage

Feb 24, 2014
In a speech at Oxford University, the Truthdig columnist frames his team's argument in a debate on how we should view Snowden (left), the systems analyst who exposed the massive surveillance of Americans.In a speech at Oxford University, the Truthdig columnist frames his team's argument in a debate on how we should view Snowden (above), the systems analyst who exposed the massive surveillance of Americans.

What Obama Really Meant Was …

Jan 20, 2014
The president’s refusal to halt the evisceration of our most basic civil liberties was masked by lies about reform and the intentions of the corporate state Here's what he would have said if he had told the truthHis refusal to halt the evisceration of our civil liberties was masked by lies about reform and the corporate state's intentions.

Does Iraq Need More Weapons? Not Really

Jan 9, 2014
The U.S. is sending arms to the Nouri al-Maliki regime as assistance for recent crises, an act that critics say will perpetuate the violence; the American Studies Association's Israel boycott is dividing academia; meanwhile, politicians are worried about American students' poor performance in the sciences. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Feeding the Flame of Revolt

Nov 18, 2013
"Hactivist" Jeremy Hammond speaks out for his principles as a harsh sentence is imposed on him. His case exposes the deep fear the state now has of its own citizenry."Hactivist" Jeremy Hammond speaks out for his principles as he receives a harsh sentence. His case exposes the fear the state now has of its own citizenry.

Chris Hedges Responds to NDAA Defeat, Says It’s a ‘Black Day’ for Liberty

Jul 17, 2013
The US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit has dealt a terrible blow to Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky and the other activists and journalists suing to prevent the indefinite military detention of American citizens Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit has dealt a terrible blow to Chris Hedges and the other activists and journalists suing to prevent the indefinite military detention of American citizens.