
Supreme Court to Rule on Gun Rights

Nov 21, 2007
The Supreme Court will rule on the Second Amendment for the first time since 1939, when it examines whether a handgun ban in Washington, D.C., is constitutional. A decision is expected next summer, so expect to see a lot of tap dancing from the candidates, particularly those who've changed their minds about gun violence or suddenly discovered a love of hunting.

Republican Senator’s D.C. Madam Mea Culpa

Jul 11, 2007
So a Republican senator from the Deep South (Sen. David Vitter, pictured) who loves to tell other people if and how they should have sex, has been exposed as a former client of a prominent D.C. madam? You say this ardent defender of the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman has "asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling"?
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Avatars Against the War

Feb 9, 2007
While thousands of people were in D.C. protesting the war on Jan. 30, more than 120 digital versions of people gathered online in the Second Life world to stage a virtual protest. Watch a video of it.