
Israel’s Version of Pat Robertson

Feb 22, 2008
A member of Israel's parliament has an unusual explanation for the recent spate of earthquakes in his country: It's the gays! Specifically, says Orthodox lawmaker Shlomo Benizri, the Israeli government's acceptance of and tolerance toward homosexuals have incurred God's wrath in the form of tectonic rumblers.

Top Court Sets Back the Foes of Bush’s Wiretaps

Feb 20, 2008
The Supreme Court rejected an appeal related to the Bush administration's warrantless wiretap program on Tuesday, offering no explanation. The American Civil Liberties Union and others have had a hard time proving the plaintiffs were spied on because the evidence they need is considered a government secret.

Court Rules Against Kucinich

Jan 16, 2008
Rep. Dennis Kucinich just can't catch a break in Nevada. First NBC invited him to its debate there, then told him to stay away. A court intervened and said he could appear, but then just an hour before the event, the Nevada Supreme Court decided that NBC could bar Kucinich.
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Rather’s $70M Suit Still On

Jan 10, 2008
Dan Rather himself once warned, "Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek," but he's still staring down CBS' toothy maw and refusing to budge in his $70-million lawsuit against his former host network. On Wednesday, a New York Supreme Court justice ruled that (at least for now) Rather's suit could go forward despite CBS' bid to have it dismissed.

Saudis Defend Decision to Lash Rape Victims

Nov 22, 2007
The Saudi Arabian justice ministry has defended the high court's decision to lash and imprison a 19-year-old girl and her male friend, both of whom were gang-raped last year. The two are being punished for "illegal mingling" of the sexes and, unofficially, taking their story to the media. The leading Democratic candidates have all signaled their outrage, but the Bush administration has adopted a mind-your-own-business approach.

Court Victory for DIY Porn Enthusiasts

Oct 25, 2007
There's been a slight shift in the regulation of pornography in America, thanks to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, that might appeal to those of-age-and-consenting types interested in creating racy footage of themselves without the goal of profiting (monetarily, anyhow).

Justice Is Blinded by Rage

Oct 4, 2007
If American politics is "an arena for angry minds," then Clarence Thomas is in the right business. His new autobiography is filled with the predictable narcissism, but also a rage that raises questions about the merit of the lifetime appointment.

‘Chemical Ali’ Death Sentence Confirmed

Sep 5, 2007
The remaining days of Ali Hassan al-Majid, aka "Chemical Ali," are numbered. More specifically, after an Iraqi court upheld his June sentence, al-Majid, who earned his nickname by playing a key role in the gassing deaths of some 100,000 Kurds in 1988, has 30 days or less to live.

Spanish Court Nixes Naughty Cartoon

Jul 20, 2007
Someone page Larry Flynt, stat! A Spanish high court judge has ordered a recall of all copies of the satire magazine El Jueves that featured a cartoon of Spain's Prince Felipe engaging in conjugal relations with his wife, former TV journalist Letizia Ortiz. Updated

Court Rules Against FCC Censorship

Jun 5, 2007
In a landmark ruling, a federal appeals court has sided with broadcasters against the Federal Communications Commission on the issue of indecency, saying the regulatory body has not adequately explained how the Constitution could permit the censorship of "indecent" language.