
Fight for a World Without Coal

Feb 14, 2011
The writer and philosopher Wendell Berry, armed with little more than a copy of William Shakespeare’s "The Tempest" and his conscience, has been camped out for three days with a handful of other activists in the governor’s outer office in Frankfort, Ky.If a 76-year-old philosopher armed only with his conscience can fight using civil disobedience for our common survival, then so can you.
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Clean Coal, ‘Dirty Business’

Mar 29, 2010
A new documentary investigates the "true social and environmental costs of coal power" and debunks the myth of clean coal. America and China both use much of the world's energy and have much of its coal. This fight is only going to heat up. Check out extensive clips after the jump.

Refuse Allegiance to Coal

Nov 23, 2009
There are some 614 coal-fired power plants in the United States, and it is up to us to shut them down No one in the White House will do it No one in Congress will do it And no one at the coming UN climate change conference in Copenhagen will do it.

Al Gore Back With a Plan

Nov 9, 2008
Former Vice President and presidential hopeful Al Gore seized upon the "change" theme that Barack Obama so successfully rode to victory in this year's election to remind readers of Sunday's New York Times that there's one kind of change we don't need: climate change.