civil disobedience

Chris Hedges Will Be There

Aug 4, 2011
The Truthdig columnist pledges to join others in acts of civil disobedience and nonviolent protest in Washington on Oct. 6, because, among other reasons, "we don't have much time left."
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Climate Activist Goes to Jail

Jul 27, 2011
In his book "Civil Disobedience," Henry David Thoreau wrote: "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison" And prison is where a federal judge has put Tim DeChristopher, 29, after he posed in 2008 as a winning bidder (more).

Bitter Memories of War on the Way to Jail

Dec 20, 2010
One hundred and thirty-one men and women, many of them military veterans wearing old fatigues, formed a single, silent line Under a heavy snowfall and to the slow beat of a drum, they walked to the White House fence They stood there until they were arrested The butchery of war defies, for those who know it, articulation.

‘Avatar’ in the West Bank

Feb 14, 2010
Some Palestinians in Billin, the West Bank town famous for its civil disobedience, have taken a cue from the movie "Avatar." Demonstrators have painted themselves blue, citing a parallel between their cause and that of the film's indigenous protagonists, who fight against a foreign occupying force.

Refuse Allegiance to Coal

Nov 23, 2009
There are some 614 coal-fired power plants in the United States, and it is up to us to shut them down No one in the White House will do it No one in Congress will do it And no one at the coming UN climate change conference in Copenhagen will do it.

Breaking the Law for the Environment

Nov 6, 2009
"Illegal protest" can count a new baritoned bedfellow. In an interview ahead of the Copenhagen climate change conference, former Vice President Al Gore pronounced civil disobedience to be justified, believing that the global warming crisis requires more forceful methods of political activism.

Going to Jail for Health Care

Oct 25, 2009
Dissent is alive and well in Los Angeles, with actions like sit-ins against health insurance companies showing a growing disapproval of the sorry state of the health care debate. Some activists are choosing to stay in jail in protest of insurers' denial-of-coverage policies and in support of universal health care.

Squatting as Civil Disobedience

Apr 10, 2009
As foreclosures continue to force Americans out of their homes, some advocacy organizations are getting creative, suggesting that homeowners refuse to leave their foreclosed houses and helping others move into vacated abodes -- either openly or under the radar.