
Huckabee’s Sermons Off Limits

Dec 13, 2007
The Huckabee campaign has refused to give the media much more than scraps of the candidate's religious speeches, leaving his 12 years as a pastor relatively shrouded in mystery. We already know he doesn't believe in evolution, thought at one time that AIDS patients should be quarantined and isn't ashamed "to let you know that I believe Adam and Eve were real people," so what is he hiding?

Romney Woos Wary Voters With Faith-Based Appeal

Dec 7, 2007
Now that rival Republican presidential hopeful (and Baptist minister) Mike Huckabee is getting traction in Iowa polls, Mitt Romney has attempted to pull a JFK by giving a speech Thursday targeting voters concerned about his Mormonism. Romney pledged that church authorities wouldn't influence his presidential decisions, while also declaring that he endeavors to "live by" his faith and be "true to" his beliefs.
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Prairie Justice

Sep 20, 2007
Warren Jeffs, a polygamist prophet, is on trial for aiding in the sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl he married off to her cousin. It's a sad story featuring an abhorrent man, but something about the case just doesn't feel right to Ellen Goodman.

American Exceptionalism Meets Team Jesus

Sep 18, 2007
There's a lot of talk about religious fundamentalism these days, but how much do we really know about the brand of Christian fundamentalism that has developed in America since, and in response to, the Enlightenment? Author James Carroll holds forth on the subject in this interview with TomDispatch editor Tom Engelhardt.

Deported Activist Fights to Reunite Families

Aug 21, 2007
After leaving the sanctuary of the Chicago church where she held off immigration authorities for a year, Mexican immigration activist Elvira Arellano was arrested and deported after speaking out at an immigrants' rights demonstration in Los Angeles. Now in Tijuana, Arellano will continue her efforts to reunite with her American-born son and will keep fighting for families divided by immigration laws.

Texas Church Calls Off Gay Vet’s Funeral

Aug 12, 2007
The family of Navy veteran Cecil Sinclair says it's deeply insulted because a Dallas-area megachurch reneged on its offer to hold a memorial for the 46-year-old Gulf War serviceman just 24 hours before the service was to take place. The reason? Sinclair was gay -- a fact that Sinclair's sister insists High Point Church leaders already knew, despite their denials.

Sony vs. the Church of England

Jun 11, 2007
Sony Computer Entertainment is in hot water with the Church of England because of a popular video game that simulates a shootout in the Manchester Cathedral. Among other concerns, the church is appalled that Sony would "encourage people to have gun battles" in a city known for gun crime.