
Rampant Sex Abuse Alleged at Polygamist Compound

Apr 9, 2008
A grim picture is emerging from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compound in West Texas, where 416 children have been removed to state custody and 139 women have left. Court documents allege widespread sexual abuse of teenage girls who were married at puberty to much older men by the polygamist sect.
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Lawmaker: Atheism ‘Extremely Dangerous’

Apr 9, 2008
Illinois state Rep. Monique Davis' heated public exchange last Wednesday with atheist activist Rob Sherman over the allocation of $1 million in state funds to repair a church is still going on -- fortunately for Sherman, perhaps not so much for Davis -- on the Internet, at least.

Rev. Wright Can’t Catch a Break

Mar 26, 2008
Lost in the discussion of the Rev. Wright controversy and its impact on the Obama campaign is the fallout for the minister himself. Wright's first public events since his sermons went YouTube, a revival in Tampa and a series of sermons in Houston, have been canceled. A third event, where he is supposed to be honored, has been downgraded to "pending."

Barack and Hillary Remember MLK

Jan 22, 2008
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama honored the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday with a couple of refreshingly fresh speeches. Be sure to give them a listen. There are some truly wonderful moments of rhetorical homage to one of the great orators of all time.

Pope Goes Green for Christmas

Dec 25, 2007
During his midnight Christmas mass at the Vatican on Tuesday, Pope Benedict XVI paid special attention to what he called the "ill-treated world" and our "selfish and reckless exploitation" of energy. He's not just all talk: it turns out the Vatican bought carbon credits this holiday season to offset emissions. It's just a little present to the world from the biggest little city in Italy.

Ron Paul Doesn’t Accept Evolution

Dec 23, 2007
The one and only anti-war Republican presidential candidate didn't raise his hand when asked who doesn't believe in evolution, but it turns out he may have wanted to. In this clip, Paul responds to a question about the incident by saying that it was an "inappropriate question," but that "I think it's a theory -- theory of evolution -- and I don't accept it."