chuck hagel

Africa, Here We Come

Jan 14, 2013
The U.S. Army presence is rapidly increasing in Africa, especially in countries with alleged ties to al-Qaida; according to Fox News, teaching children algebra is just another liberal ploy; meanwhile, some researchers have started studying the effects of the "natural experiment" resulting from China's one-child policy. These discoveries and more after the jump.
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We’re Not in Decline or Retreat

Jan 14, 2013
We are about to have a major foreign policy debate in the guise of a confirmation battle over Chuck Hagel's nomination as secretary of defense and the related argument over how long U.S. troops should stay in Afghanistan. President Obama should use this opportunity to stand up for his broader vision of how American power can be sustained and used.

The Dog Eat Dog World of Politics

Jan 10, 2013
Canines have more to do with presidential elections than one might think; the conditions in which alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning was detained were "excessive," a military judge found; meanwhile, The Associated Press has started selling sponsored tweets on its Twitter feed. These discoveries and more after the jump.