chuck hagel

Weekly Video Roundup

Jan 27, 2007
This week, our collection of Truthdig-flavored videos includes Sen. Jim Webb's response to Bush's SOTU speech; a misleading U.S. Army recruiting video; and an episode of "30 Days" that puts a conservative Christian in a Muslim household.

Hagel Puts the Senate to Shame

Jan 25, 2007
Chuck Hagel has been on a tear lately, but it's hard to beat this stirring indictment of the war and its enablers: "These young men and women that we put in Anbar province, in Iraq, in Baghdad are not beans. They're real lives. And we better be damn sure we know what we're doing, all of us, before we put 22,000 more Americans into that grinder. We better be as sure as you can be."

Senate Nears Vote on Escalation

Jan 25, 2007
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has passed a nonbinding resolution condemning the escalation of the war. While Vice President Dick Cheney is absolutely right when he says "It won't stop us," the measure will at least force lawmakers to take a stand on the issue until tougher legislation can be passed.
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Even Republicans Resist Bush Appeal

Jan 24, 2007
Despite his State of the Union plea to give the Iraq war another chance, the president is suffering defections from his own party, including a number of GOP senators who have emboldened Democrats in their fight against Bush's planned escalation of the war.

GOP Showdown: Hagel vs. McCain

Jan 23, 2007
John McCain may be a little miffed that the president is sending only 21,500 additional troops to Iraq, but he still supports a surge -- even, aparently, if it's unlikely to succeed. Chuck Hagel, on the other hand, thinks sending any troops into a civil war is a mistake, particularly if the prime minister of Iraq doesn't even want them around.

Sen. Hagel Dismantles Lieberman

Jan 15, 2007
You have to hand it to Joe Lieberman. Rattling off one stale lie and misdirection after another, as he did this Sunday on "Meet the Press," while maintaining a straight face could not have been easy. Luckily Chuck Hagel was on hand to refute Lieberman's tired propaganda.

Two Top GOP Senators Want New Iraq Strategy

Oct 16, 2006
Sens. Chuck Hagel and John Warner have added their names to the growing list of Republicans who have broken ranks with Bush on Iraq. Of course, this profoundly un-democratic president has proved himself immune to reasoned criticism, so don't hold your breath for an Iraq course correction.