christopher hitchens
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Hitchens Pipes Up for ‘Foxhole Atheists’

Dec 17, 2009
"God Is Not Great" author Christopher Hitchens got a feel for the evangelical climate at the Air Force Academy in May and came away with some troubling questions. In a column headlined "In Defense of Foxhole Atheists," he asks: "Is there a clique within the United States military that is seeking to use the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as an opportunity to mount a new crusade and to Christianize the 'heathen'?"

Hitchens Calls Palin a ‘National Disgrace’

Oct 14, 2008
Christopher Hitchens has reached an endorsement by process of elimination. John McCain, he writes, isn't up to the job, while "the only public events that have so far featured his absurd choice of running mate have shown her to be a deceiving and unscrupulous woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses but easily trained to utter preposterous lies and to appeal to the basest element of her audience."

Hitchens Asks the $3-Trillion McCain Question

Apr 29, 2008
All right, people, it's high time someone dealt squarely with this question: Does John McCain have anger-management issues? Monday brought word on this potential problem, the Republican Party's sword of Damocles, from provocateur Christopher Hitchens, who dares to ask "whether [McCain's] elevator goes all the way to the top."

Hitchens Bros. Clash Over Belief

Jun 14, 2007
Writer Christopher Hitchens is drawing widespread attention with his latest provocative oeuvre, "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." But one person close to him questions the integrity of his atheist stance: brother Peter Hitchens, who told the British paper The Independent (irking Christopher in the process) that he wonders if Christopher protests too much about his lack of belief.

Hedges Debates Hitchens

Jun 1, 2007
Those Truthdig readers who are following the Chris Hedges vs Sam Harris exchanges on our site may be interested to read that Hedges subsequently faced off with atheist author and provocateur Christopher Hitchens for a debate in Berkeley about religion and politics Also, check out this funny and insightful interview with Hitchens.

Hitchens’ Fiery Send-Off for Falwell

May 17, 2007
Based on his comments to CNN's Anderson Cooper on the day of the Rev. Jerry Falwell's death, it looks like author and provocateur Christopher Hitchens (pictured) will have to wait a while to be invited back into President Bush's inner circle. Hitchens channeled his disdain for religion and for Falwell into one scathing send-off on Cooper's show.