
Forbidden Starbucks

Sep 25, 2007
The Starbucks empire is often lampooned for its many, many stores, but the coffee giant has lost one of its most prominent locations. Responding to the demands of more than half a million citizens, the Chinese government closed down the Starbucks in the Forbidden City, the ancient imperial palace complex in the heart of Beijing.

The 10 Most Polluted Places in the World

Sep 15, 2007
The Blacksmith Institute, a U.S.-based environmental group, has identified the 10 most polluted places on the planet. Cities in Russia, China, India, Zambia, Peru, the Ukraine and Azerbaijan made the list, which focuses on the impact pollution has on the local population.

The General Lies

Sep 12, 2007
Of course Gen. David Petraeus predicts success in the Iraq war. What wonders couldn't generals achieve with more troops and more time? The battle is always going well until it is lost, and then they blame defeat on the politicians and the public.
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China Denies Hacking Pentagon

Sep 5, 2007
China has denied responsibility for a large raid on the Department of Defense's computer network, attributing the accusation to a "Cold War mentality." A senior U.S. official was quoted in the Financial Times as implicating the People's Liberation Army in the attack, which forced the Pentagon to shut down its network for more than a week.

‘Extinct’ Dolphin Seen

Aug 31, 2007
The Yangtze river dolphin was thought to be extinct, a victim of China's explosive economic growth and environmental negligence, but one of the baiji, as the animal is known, was just caught on tape -- alive and well.

Chinese ‘Penis Emporium’ Serves Up the Goods

Aug 29, 2007
Who knew that eating a donkey's, er member is good for the skin? Or that women should refrain from consuming animal testicles? These could be trumped-up claims, but the proprietor and employees of China's Guolizhuang restaurant, a self-described "penis emporium," stand by them, as brave BBC reporter Andrew Harding discovered on a recent culinary adventure.

China’s Virtual Thought Police

Aug 29, 2007
Web users in Beijing will soon have to deal with a new annoyance as part of China's endless effort to control the Internet. By the end of the year, all websites registered with the government will feature animated Internet cops that will warn users to avoid forbidden content and offer friendly (if obnoxious) Internet security tips.

Bill Maher on Bargain Karma

Aug 27, 2007
The "Real Time" host takes on Mother Teresa's doubts, Obama's "blackness" and the high cost of low morals in our bargain-crazed culture: "Let's have a war and cut taxes, what could go wrong? Let's give mortgages to the homeless. Sounds like a plan! Let's buy toys from a communist police state, you just know they'll put in a little extra love."

Paging Ralph Nader

Aug 15, 2007
With the news that Nokia is recalling millions of batteries, on top of the ongoing exploding laptop problem, and Chinese-made products ranging from toothpaste to Barbies sounding alarm bells, we can't help but feel the absence of America's greatest consumer advocate.

China and Africa: Uneasy Bedfellows?

Jul 10, 2007
With the Red Star rising over Africa, locals and leaders across that vast continent are starting to wonder if Beijing's forays represent a positive collaboration among developing nations -- or just the latest incarnation of exploitative colonialism.