
Abracadabra! Orthodoxy

Apr 3, 2009
An obvious Photoshop job in Israel has hilariously tried to make Israel's inaugural Cabinet a bit more Orthodox. In one ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper, two female Cabinet members were cropped out of an official picture and replaced with two non-Cabinet men.

Tales From the Palin

Oct 23, 2008
The ghoulish comic "Tales From the Crypt" is taking a spooky look at the possibility of a Sarah Palin presidency. An editorial by Gathy Gaines Mifsud, daughter of publisher William Gaines -- a target of a ghastly 1950s Senate investigation on censorship -- rails against Palin and her reported McCarthy-esque book-banning stunts while mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
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McCain Camp Assails Book-Banning Report as a ‘Smear’

Sep 9, 2008
Team McCain has rejected the "vicious smear" that as mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin wanted to ban books from the local library, but the campaign's 1,615-word memo on the subject indirectly supports the accusation. As Palin's mayoral predecessor recalls, "She asked the library how she could go about banning books." According to the Anchorage Daily News, she also fired the library director "without warning" for "not fully supporting her efforts to govern."

China Under Fire for Olympic Crackdowns

Jul 29, 2008
When Beijing was chosen to host the Olympics, the Chinese government pledged to make human rights improvements, but Amnesty International says the situation has actually gotten worse because of the coming games: "Specifically we've seen crackdowns on domestic human rights activists, media censorship and increased use of re-education through labor as a means to clean up Beijing and surrounding areas."

White House ‘Eviscerated’ Climate Report

Oct 24, 2007
When Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control, went before Congress to testify on the effects of global warming on Americans' health, she was about 10 pages lighter than planned. According to a source within the CDC, the White House "eviscerated" Gerberding's prepared remarks, slashing 10 of the original 14 pages.

Your Handy Guide to Emmy Censorship

Sep 18, 2007
Sally Field worked her Emmy acceptance speech into an (unfortunately) incoherent anti-war crescendo during Sunday night's telecast, which, like the other two muted moments showcased in this video montage by the always-hilarious Defamer team, was awkwardly squelched by hypervigilant editors at Fox.

China’s Virtual Thought Police

Aug 29, 2007
Web users in Beijing will soon have to deal with a new annoyance as part of China's endless effort to control the Internet. By the end of the year, all websites registered with the government will feature animated Internet cops that will warn users to avoid forbidden content and offer friendly (if obnoxious) Internet security tips.

War and Censorship at Wilton High

Jun 13, 2007
Students at Wilton High School in Connecticut weren't allowed to discuss the war, unless it was with a military recruiter, so they wrote a play about it. "Voices in Conflict," which was quickly banned by the school, has made it to New York where it brought the audience to tears.

Court Rules Against FCC Censorship

Jun 5, 2007
In a landmark ruling, a federal appeals court has sided with broadcasters against the Federal Communications Commission on the issue of indecency, saying the regulatory body has not adequately explained how the Constitution could permit the censorship of "indecent" language.