
George Clooney Cuffed at Sudanese Embassy Protest

Mar 17, 2012
Can't say the guy doesn't have range. On Friday, George Clooney put his actor/director/good-time-guy persona aside to get serious about what he warned could become a catastrophe of global proportions, the crisis in Sudan, and he went so far as to get arrested in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C., to make his point.

And Now, This Presidential Appraisal From Scarlett Johansson

Feb 9, 2012
There may be untold millions of onetime Obama boosters whose feelings of hope have significantly diminished since, say, November 2008 -- and with good reason. But on Tuesday night, one of the president's celebrity supporters, Scarlett Johansson, showed she's still willing to stump for Obama at a gathering in New York that brought fashionistas and politicos together.
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Sean Penn’s Diplomatic New Gig

Jan 18, 2012
He's certainly been rehearsing for this role for years (remember his post-Katrina floating photo op?), and now Sean Penn has an honest-to-goodness new post as the ambassador at large to Haiti, as of a special ceremony held in his honor last weekend.

OWS Organizer Questions Intentions of Secretive Affinity Group

Nov 22, 2011
Over a pair of steaming coffee cups, I was told that a secret faction has developed within New York City’s Occupy movement, made up of big-name celebrities and would-be leaders, some of whom look determined to steer the movement in a direction of their choosing.Over a pair of steaming coffee cups, I was told that big-name celebrities and would-be leaders look determined to steer the movement in a direction of their choosing.

9/11 and the Damage Done

Sep 7, 2011
On the day the towers fell, furies flew out of the hole in the ground and like all restless spirits, they headed west I did not realize it at the time, of course, but did have the sense a few days after the dust began to settle at Ground Zero that things had shifted, a feeling that we all had, as if the world itself had gone off its axis.