
Your Taxes Fund Anti-Muslim Hatred

May 9, 2011
A cadre of right-wing institutions that peddle themselves as counterterrorism specialists and experts on the Muslim world has been indoctrinating thousands of police, intelligence and military personnel in nationwide seminars.A cadre of right-wing institutions that peddle themselves as counterterrorism specialists has been indoctrinating police, intelligence and military personnel.

MP Apologizes for ‘Ginger Rodent’ Slur

Oct 31, 2010
A comment by U.K. Labour Party Deputy Leader Harriet Harman has caused a stir within the international red-haired community. Harman, under criticism, has apologized to a parliamentary colleague, Liberal Democrat Danny Alexander (above), for calling him a “ginger rodent,” referring malignly to Alexander's, dare I say, quite exquisite hair color and skin pigmentation.
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SB 1070’s Day in Court

Oct 31, 2010
The anti-immigration SB 1070 will soon have its day in court. Arizona's toxic new law is on the docket of a federal appeals court in San Francisco for Monday. The justices are expected to consider what exactly is the role of state and local authorities in immigration issues.

Oklahoma Not OK With Shariah Law

Oct 30, 2010
Some people in Oklahoma are either able to predict the future or they're just anti-Muslim bigots. A measure on the ballot next week in the state will ask voters whether they want to pass, no joke, a constitutional amendment outlawing Shariah, or Islamic law.

Hey, Bullies and Bigots: It Gets Worse

Oct 12, 2010
You may have seen those "It Gets Better" spots in which earnest celebrities confront the problem of gay kids getting bullied. Well, here's a spoof of that series that approaches the issue from a bully's-eye point of view. Apparently, bigotry is no longer "fashionable."

New York’s Paladino Hates on Gays

Oct 11, 2010
Carl Paladino has made a joke of the New York governor's race, but on Sunday the tea party candidate showed he could be hateful as well Speaking to a group of Orthodox Jews just days after it was reported that two teenagers and an adult were tortured nearby in the Bronx for being gay, Paladino said children should not be "brainwashed" into thinking homosexuality is "equally valid" (continued).

Sanchez Fired From CNN

Oct 2, 2010
CNN has canned Rick Sanchez after the "Rick's List" host unleashed a verbal barrage against Jon Stewart's "bigotry," Jews in the media, and the institutional racism he says he experienced in the newsroom. Guess what part of the rant the media is going to leave out?

Limbaugh Offends Women, Gays, Blacks and Jews in One Show

Mar 10, 2007
During a recent radio show, Rush Limbaugh chortled over a newspaper headline that playfully asked whether John Edwards would be "the first woman president." Limbaugh asked who would design the candidate's inaugural dress, played "I Am Woman" as Edwards' theme song and repeatedly called out to fellow bigot Ann Coulter, as if soliciting a pat on the back.