
Your Tax Dollars at Work

Jun 25, 2007
Looks like war isn't hell for everyone, at least not for some employees of KBR, a company that contracts with the U.S. government. KBR, once a Halliburton subsidiary, allegedly put its workers in larger than warranted living spaces and served meals that cost more than necessary under a government contract, The Washington Post reported.

The Federal Bureau of Intrusion

Jun 14, 2007
Disturbing news from the FBI: The top U.S. intelligence agency recently underwent an internal audit, which produced some pretty creepy results. Even in a small sampling of the agency's activities (the survey covered 10% of the whole organization, according to The Washington Post), the bureau was found to have violated privacy laws and agency rules some 1,000 times while monitoring phone calls, e-mails and other communications.

Pentagon Caught in Contract Shuffle

Dec 26, 2006
According to internal audit documents obtained by The Washington Post, the Defense Department wasted millions of dollars by farming out contracting to the Interior Department in an effort to "expedite" the process. Through the program, Interior routinely awarded overpriced and under-monitored no-bid contracts in exchange for a fee from the Pentagon.
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Think Damage Control

Aug 18, 2006
An Apple Computer audit of labor conditions at an iPod factory in China uncovered employees working longer hours than permitted by its code of conduct. Auditors also said that workers earned ?at least the local minimum wage? -- whatever that may be in Longhua, China.