Kurt Cobb / Resource InsightsFeb 10, 2025
How Elon Musk’s access to the federal payment systems could trigger a global financial meltdown. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
Paul Kiel / ProPublicaDec 11, 2024
On Wall Street, some of the most powerful people in finance have found a way to opt out of paying Medicare taxes. Dig deeper ( 14 Min. Read )
Lindsay Koshgarian / OtherWordsNov 30, 2023
Conservative lawmakers calling for cuts should start with the agency that can’t account for $1.9 trillion — not the programs Americans rely on. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigSep 1, 2016
An audit revealed that the Army made $6.5 trillion worth of wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in 2015, either because it "lacked receipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up," Reuters reports. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
By William D. Hartung / TomDispatchMay 25, 2016
By keeping us in the dark about how it spends our money, the Pentagon has made it virtually impossible for anyone to hold it accountable for just about anything. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigDec 7, 2011
It's been available for almost six months now: the first independent audit of the Federal Reserve. In case you haven’t read it top-to-bottom, former Congressman Alan Grayson, who petitioned the study along with Rep. Ron Paul, wants to draw your attention to some of his favorite parts. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJun 13, 2011
Benjamin Franklin may be one of the most wanted men in Iraq right now, as the country's officials threaten to take the Pentagon to court to recoup some $6.6 billion in cash airlifted from the U.S. in 2004 for the purpose of Iraqi reconstruction. (more) Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigOct 20, 2010
The city of Bell, Calif., drew quite a bit of unwanted attention to itself last summer with the revelation that several top officials were pocketing ridiculously high salaries at the expense of its citizens. Now it's looking like payback time, as the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is on the case. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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