arnold schwarzenegger

California’s Silent Big Spenders

May 29, 2009
Instead of making the positive case for big government, or at least beginning to explain, let alone defend, what Sacramento does with all that money, California's political class has instead opted for a four-pronged strategy: deny, scare, attack, then call for higher taxes.

Stuff the Bankers, Starve the Kids

May 27, 2009
I expected a federal government that has spent trillions salvaging the banks that got us into this mess to find the relatively minor sums needed to bail out California and other states that have been the victims of Wall Street’s dangerous games. But I didn’t count on the tough-love steeliness of the Obama administration.

Bill Maher’s California Elegy

May 25, 2009
The "Real Time" host laments the ballot initiative, which, he says, has made his home state ungovernable: "This is why America's founders wanted a representative democracy, because they knew if you gave the average guy the chance, he'd vote for a fantasy world with no taxes, free beer and vagina trees."
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California: The State of No

May 22, 2009
Once again the voters of California, said to be the leading indicators of national trends, have spoken. And what they have said this time is a resounding "No!" to legislative irresponsibility. The megaphone employed was this week's special statewide election to consider six ballot initiatives.

Taking From the Poor

May 22, 2009
After voters refused to grant Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budgetary wishes on Tuesday and Washington offered little hope in lending money to California, the Governator announced a new plan to help solve the budget crisis by attacking the poor He is considering eliminating the state’s main welfare program, health insurance for low-income families, and an aid program for low- and middle-income college students .

No California Love for Schwarzenegger

May 21, 2009
Californians gave the electoral finger to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Tuesday when they voted against five ballot measures intended to fix the Golden State’s budget drama by increasing taxes, redistributing state funds and borrowing money. On top of already double-digit unemployment, a plummeting housing market and an eroding educational system, the state now faces a budget gap of more than $21 billion.

One Step Closer to Harvey Milk Day

May 15, 2009
Friends and admirers of the late San Francisco supervisor and gay rights activist have been rallying to establish an annual commemorative day in his honor, and on Thursday, the California Senate approved a bill that would officially make Milk's birthday, May 22, Harvey Milk Day in the Golden State.

California’s Cash Crunch: Ay, Caramba!

May 8, 2009
California is running short on cash fast -- $23 billion short. According to chief legislative budget analyst Mac Taylor, the Golden State may not have enough moolah to keep it going through July, and this after across-the-line tax hikes approved in the February budget package.

Schwarzenegger Thought About Ditching the GOP

Feb 25, 2009
Arnold Schwarzenegger's biographer has revealed that the California governor recently thought about leaving the Republican Party, but decided he wouldn't gain much by doing so, politically. Camp Schwarzenegger has yet to respond, but the news fits, given the governor's problems working with his own party.

California Plans to Fire 20,000 Workers

Feb 17, 2009
California has the biggest economy in the union, but the state is in a real hole. With major shortfalls and a $40 billion budget in legislative gridlock, Sacramento has laid off some workers, furloughed others and slashed wages. Now the governor is threatening to, er, terminate 20,000 more employees.