arnold schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger Pumps Up Health Care Reform

Oct 6, 2009
The California governor and rare Hollywood Republican released a statement Tuesday in support of health care reform, in which he praised the president and urged his "colleagues on both sides of the political aisle at the national level to move forward and accomplish these vital goals for the American people."

Schwarzenegger Sells Signed Cars for California

Aug 27, 2009
Here's a, um, creative way to funnel some money into a broke state's coffers: Hold a California-themed garage sale, starring actor-turned-Gubernator Arnold Schwarzenegger. The governor has added a personal touch to some bigger-ticket items, such as automobiles, by signing them in an effort to clear out the state's storage sheds and bring in the cash. What's next, a Golden State bake sale?
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California Cuts Budget Deal

Jul 21, 2009
Soon California can stop being the butt of jokes -- although seriously, Alabama, let's not point fingers. Party elders in Sacramento have reached an agreement that should balance the budget with $15.5 billion in cuts that will hurt students, the poor, children and the elderly. Republicans, who make up only about a third of the state Legislature, managed to thwart any new taxes.

California Sees Red

Jul 16, 2009
Looks like Republicans are going to win out in California's seemingly endless budget battle, despite holding a minority in the state Legislature. The deal lawmakers are inching toward favors Gov. Schwarzenegger's desire to make the poor, the elderly and schoolchildren pay for the state's financial crisis.

Schwarzenegger Won’t Budge as California Nears Collapse

Jul 2, 2009
Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a Democratic proposal to cut $114 billion in spending, saying that "the Legislature must solve the entire [$27 billion] deficit and must not push the problem off to tomorrow" With IOUs now a certainty and the state in financial ruin, a prominent Democrat called the governor's stance "the most irresponsible thing that I've seen in my 15 years of public service" .

Investigating California’s Crisis

Jun 12, 2009
This week on Al Jazeera's "Fault Lines," Avi Lewis investigates the political causes, the human impact and the global economic repercussions of California's budgetary crisis. Check out this great report, which features Truthdig's own Robert Scheer.

The Terminator Turns to the Textbooks

Jun 9, 2009
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to do away with textbooks in favor of online ones, because kids today "get their information from the Internet, downloaded onto their iPods, and in Twitter feeds to their cell phones." The question remains what effect will this have on students who may not have access to all that technology, and what the switch may wind up saving -- or costing --the state.

California Landmarks May Be Put Up for Sale

Jun 6, 2009
Gov. Schwarzenegger's newest proposal to close the Golden State's budgetary gap: selling some of California's biggest landmarks, including the L.A. Memorial Coliseum, the California State Fairgrounds and the San Quentin prison. Because the proposed sales might come during a slumping real estate market, there are questions about whether taxpayers would be getting a good deal.

Moving to Run California ‘More Efficiently’

Jun 4, 2009
On a desperate mission to save California from a $24 billion budget gap, a legislative committee voted to eliminate both the Secretary of Education office, a whopping $2.2 million endeavor, and the Office of Planning and Research ($50 million), while the Waste Management Board, stuffed with ex-lawmakers with six-figure salaries, would see its responsibilities enhanced.