
In for a Penny, In for $2.98 Trillion

Apr 1, 2009
The good news on the government’s “No Banker Left Behind” program is that, according to the special inspector general’s report on Tuesday, the total handout to date is still less than 3 trillion dollars. It's only $2.98 trillion, to be precise, an amount six times greater than will be spent by federal, state and local governments this year on educating the 50 million American children in elementary and secondary schools.

We’re Paying Congress for This?

Mar 28, 2009
Congress’ work has often offered us transparency and has usually led to useful, progressive legislation. And now comes Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank’s choreographed extravaganza in the House of Representatives, supported by an echoing committee, with sound bites worthy of a night in the Borscht Belt.

What You Dig

Mar 27, 2009
Here are the five most-read stories of the last seven days, including Chris Hedges on America's moral meltdown and Robert Scheer on the economic incompetents who find easy employment in the Obama administration. Full list after the jump.
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America Is in Need of a Moral Bailout

Mar 23, 2009
The methods used to attain what we want, we are told by reality television programs, business schools and self-help gurus, are irrelevant. Success, always defined in terms of money and power, is its own justification. Our moral collapse is as terrifying, and as dangerous, as our economic collapse.

Obama Takes Cheney to School

Mar 23, 2009
President Obama personally conducted a tour of the White House for "60 Minutes" and in the Sunday broadcast defended his embattled treasury secretary, said sending more troops to Afghanistan was his toughest decision yet, and refused to grant a look at his wife's vegetable garden. The president also took the opportunity to unload on Dick Cheney, who recently suggested we are less safe without torture.

AIG Claims It Overpaid Taxes, Sues Government

Mar 21, 2009
Having succeeded in dispensing tens of millions of dollars to company executives last week as the country -- and Congress -- cried foul, the insurance titan is now suing the government to reclaim millions in taxes. Apparently AIG officials believe they paid the IRS too much and now are demanding a huge tax rebate.

‘Left, Right & Center’: AIG Angst; Happy New Year, Iran!

Mar 21, 2009
Have the American media become too fixated on AIG and its nefarious bonuses -- at the cost of focusing too little on the whereabouts of the other gajillions of dollars doled out in bailout funds? What's to become of Timothy Geithner? And how about those warm New Year's wishes that winged their way to the people of Iran from the U.S. and Israel?

Obama Talks Banks, Bonuses and Basketball on Leno

Mar 21, 2009
The merger of the entertainment and political spheres is now complete. Witness this lengthy chatfest between President Barack Obama and Jay Leno on Thursday's "Tonight Show." During the broadcast Obama cracks jokes about the Secret Service, the Special Olympics (oops) and "American Idol" between more serious discussions about the economy and alternative energy.