affordable care act

What’s the Solution to Rising Health Care Costs?

May 29, 2012
Obamacare did nothing to stop the cost of employer-based health insurance from growing at twice the rate of inflation during the Great Recession, and for that and other reasons, progressives want to get rid of it. AlterNet editor Joshua Holland has a cheaper and arguably more practical idea: Open the Medicare system to anyone who wants to buy into it.

The Student Loan Shuffle

Apr 24, 2012
Since last fall, one million borrowers have had their federal student loans randomly assigned to new loan-servicing companies, all nonprofits or subsidiaries of nonprofit organizations, thanks to a little-known provision in the 2010 healthcare overhaul.
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Obama’s (Smaller) Army of Volunteers

Apr 6, 2012
The night after President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act was being mercilessly attacked by U.S. Supreme Court conservatives, I was surprised to find a group of Obama volunteers cheerfully gathered in a nondescript office building east of Los Angeles to make phone calls for the president's campaign.I wondered at their good spirits. It was as though they hadn't heard about the hostile reception Obamacare had received at the Supreme Court.