
AIDS Czar Caught With His Pants Down

May 3, 2007
Abstinence advocate and Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias had to resign after admitting to $300 "massages" furnished by the "D.C. madam," but the real scandal is the administration's support -- to the tune of billions of dollars -- for a faith-based AIDS prevention philosophy that simply doesn't work.
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‘Daily Show’ on Wolfowitz

Apr 19, 2007
Jon Stewart swings away at the Wolfowitz scandal: "Last week it was disclosed Wolfowitz had used his influence to get a promotion and a raise for his longtime paramour, World Bank employee Shaha Ali Riza -- considered to be a foremost expert on the Middle East. Which means -- you know what they say -- opposites attract."

Why I Declined to Serve

Apr 18, 2007
John J. Sheehan, the retired Marine Corps general who declined the White House's invitation to serve as "war czar," explains his decision and warns that the administration's strategic "shortcomings" will not benefit from the creation of such a position.

They Hate Us for Our Apples

Mar 30, 2007
A growing number of experts and analysts now agree that George W. Bush's war on terror has been nothing short of a disaster, and not just for the obvious reasons. For instance, one might question the wisdom of designating a Midwestern apple festival a potential terrorism target.

Defense Secretary Wanted Gitmo Closed

Mar 23, 2007
When the phrase "speaking on ground rules of anonymity" appears in The New York Times, we tend to get nervous, but a set of anonymous reports just caught our eye. According to those reports, our new defense secretary, right out of the gate (forgive the pun), argued for closing Guantanamo because its reputation had hurt the war effort. Robert M. Gates also reportedly argued that the detainees there should be brought to the U.S.

A Top Democrat Calls for Attorney General’s Resignation

Mar 13, 2007
Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., the No. 3 Democrat in the Senate, said Sunday that Alberto Gonzales should step down "for the sake of the nation." Schumer pointed to the partisan firing of U.S. attorneys and the FBI's abuse of the Patriot Act as evidence that the Justice Department has become highly politicized under Gonzales' leadership.