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Alternative Perspectives on the Port Deal

Feb 23, 2006
With both Republicans and Democrats attacking the White House over its proposed port deal with the United Arab Emirates, it's worth noting that many people feel that the issue of port ownership is either irrelevant to national security (in the New York Times), symptomatic of xenophobic rage (Andrew Sullivan) or just plain opportunistic politics (Think Progress).

Rumsfeld’s ‘Golly Gee’ Stance on Port Sale Draws Skepticism

Feb 22, 2006
The secretary of defense claims he didn't know about the pending sale of six major U.S. ports to a United Arab Emirates company, even though, as ThinkProgress points out, he sat on a board that approved the sale. Meanwhile, the president vows to veto any blockage of the sale, setting up a showdown with Republicans and Democrats. Confused about the issue? The Moderate Voice has a good primer.

Chertoff Goes Mum on Portgate

Feb 21, 2006
Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff on the proposed deal to cede control of six US ports to the United Arab Emirates: "The discussions are classified" Truthdig doesn't pretend to understand the ins and outs of port ownership logistics, but we are troubled by Think Progress' revelation that a country linked with international terrorism is going to have dominion over 40% of the U cargo bound for Iraq .