
Who Owns Jesus?

Aug 1, 2013
What’s really revealing about Lauren Green’s infamous Fox News interview with religion scholar Reza Aslan is what it exposed about how Jesus exists in the popular Christian imagination Green overlooked the fact that Jesus appears in Islamic theology as one of the great prophets of God, one of the few prophets mentioned by name in the Quran.
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Jeremy Scahill Condemns President Obama

Jul 26, 2013
The investigative reporter slammed the Obama administration Thursday for the role he says it played in the continued detention of Abdulelah Haider Shaye, a prominent Yemeni journalist who was the first to expose an American cruise missile strike that killed dozens of civilians.

Back to Blunt the Cutting Edge

Jul 19, 2013
John Summers, editor-in-chief of the critical, satirical magazine The Baffler, appeared on Boston's WGBH News to introduce his journal to television audiences, saying that when people ask what the publication is about, he "remind[s] them that this sort of thing existed for a long time in the American cultural scene."