Don’t Believe the Hype

Jan 31, 2006
"Brokeback Mountain" may be topping the Oscar charts, but its success has just as much to say about America's homophobic tendencies as it does our homophilic ones.Check back Wednesday for a major new essay on that topic by Truthdig's Larry Gross, a pioneer in the field of gay and lesbian studies.
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Public Schools Mulling Bible Literacy Class

Jan 27, 2006
The high school course on the Bible's influence on society would be an elective storyIt's such an obvious end run around the Constitution's Establishment Clause that we'll hold fire But check this: The course textbook contains a boxed feature that shows how the Bible was used "to justify and even encourage anti-Semitism" Wow! A whole boxed feature? We wonder if there's a footnote about that whole Spanish Inquisition thing .

Bush Disingenuously Re-Brands Spying Program

Jan 24, 2006
The president is now calling it the "Terrorist Surveillance Program." | storyOK, Mr. Bush, but what about the non-terrorists being swept up in your nets? Not that we're surprised by the new moniker; this is the guy who legalized an increase in air pollution and called it "Clear Skies," and labeled a tree-slashing program "Healthy Forests."

Black Jesus Film Will Make Waves

Jan 21, 2006
The world's "first black Jesus movie" will premier at Sundance this Sunday. "Son of Man," directed by Mark Dornford-May, portrays Christ as a modern African revolutionary and "aims to shatter the Western image of a placid savior with fair hair and blue eyes." | story See Truthdig's "Jesus: The Man, The Myth" by the Rev. Madison Shockley for background on the historical Jesus and representations of "the Christ."