Court OKs Anti-Abortion License Plates

Mar 18, 2006
A federal appeals court allows the state of Tennessee to offer anti-abortion license plates that read, "Choose Life." The court says that although the decision to offer the plates may be ill-advised, it does not contravene the First Amendment. Of all the odd places for an abortion-rights battle to show up, state license plates has to be atop the list.

New Bill Allows Warrantless Spying

Mar 17, 2006
OK, OK, it's not time to get hysterical yet This one doesn't look likely to pass, but Four senators have introduced a bill that would allow the NSA to eavesdrop, sans warrant, for up to 45 days GOP Sen Arlen Specter objected, saying the law would allow government to "do whatever the hell it wants" Oh Right What a departure that would be.
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Frist Throws Immigration Debate Into Disarray

Mar 17, 2006
The Republican senator stunned both Democrats and the GOP alike by introducing an immigration bill that bypasses others now being debated Bighearted guy that he is, Frist left out a guest-worker provision--which many conservatives view as amnesty for undocumented workers (But which even Bush supported) Check out Truthdig's Marc Cooper to strip away the myths surrounding this hotly debated issue .

Judge Orders Google to Turn Over Some Data

Mar 14, 2006
A federal judge says he will require the search engine company to provide the government with some search-query data in connection with the Justice Dept.'s attempts to revive an online child pornography law. It's unclear what kind of and how much data the judge will order turned over. That strange shifting underneath your feet? It's the slippery slope we're all sliding down, toward an Orwellian future. Truthdig's Google expert Mark Malseed has the skinny on the implications of this battle.

Hold the Religious Accountable for Their Beliefs

Mar 13, 2006
A prominent Slovenian-born atheist, surveying the violence done in the name of Islam, argues in the N.Y. Times that we should submit Islam, along with all other religions, to a "respectful, but for that reason no less ruthless, critical analysis. This, and only this, is the way to show a true respect for Muslims: to treat them as serious adults responsible for their beliefs."