On Secular Fundamentalism

Apr 7, 2008
The battle under way in America is not a battle between religion and science. It is a battle between religious and secular fundamentalists. It is a battle between two groups intoxicated with the utopian and magical belief that humankind can perfect itself and master its destiny.

?The Savageness of Man?

Apr 4, 2008
Forty years ago today, Robert Kennedy informed a crowd gathered in the center of Indianapolis that Martin Luther King Jr. had been shot. The improvised but powerful speech that followed is widely credited for keeping the peace in that community. Indianapolis was one of the few big cities in America that did not erupt into violence that night.
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War of the Word

Mar 26, 2008
Would God ever damn America? Is there anything we have done or could do as a nation that might court such severe judgment from an almighty, or is there a peculiar American exemption from God's wrath? The prediction of God's damnation for bad behavior is made in both black and white churches.

Stars Align for Anti-Hate Ad

Mar 12, 2008
Outkast's Andre 3000, the original Miss Jackson (if you're nasty), Ashanti, Portia di Rossi, T.R. Knight and other celebrities put their fame to work in this public service announcement geared toward raising awareness about discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

McCain’s Very Own Farrakhan

Mar 6, 2008
Whatever their true private beliefs, presidential candidates in America are constantly required to provide proofs of faith, often through their connections with various religious figures. Benedictions from the pulpit bestow an aura of righteousness -- except, of course, when the pastor or minister is a disreputable kook whose endorsement should be an embarrassment.

The War Against Tolerance

Feb 11, 2008
Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zachariah Anani are the three stooges of the Christian right. These self-described former Muslim terrorists are regularly trotted out at Christian colleges -- a few days ago they were at the Air Force Academy -- to spew racist filth about Islam on behalf of groups such as Focus on the Family. It is a clever tactic.