Business & Economy

New Crisis, Old Isms

Mar 21, 2008
The Federal Reserve Bank's decision last week to address the housing crisis by extending $200 billion of taxpayer-financed credit to Wall Street banks was met with a stunned reaction typical of surprising events. But really, the move was the expression of longstanding isms that routinely package corruption as sound public policy.
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Olbermann Slams New York Times

Jan 4, 2008
The New York Times made it onto Keith Olbermann's "worst person" list with the news that the paper had hired William Kristol: "You guys at the Times can hire any conservative columnist you want, but why did you pick the really dumb one?"

The FCC’s Christmas Gift to Big Media

Dec 25, 2007
On Dec. 18, the five commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission met in Washington, D.C., and, by a 3 to 2 vote, passed new regulations that would allow more media consolidation. This, despite the U.S. public's increasing concern over the nation's media being controlled by a few giant corporations.