Yasha Levine

Yasha Levine

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Yasha Levine is an investigative journalist and a founding editor of The eXiled Online. His latest book is "Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet."


Tea Party Socialism

Oct 6, 2010
Tea party candidates say big government is tyranny, but they don't object when the tyranny flows their way in the form of taxpayer funded farm subsidies.Tea party candidates say big government is tyranny, but they don't object when the tyranny flows their way.

Michele Bachmann: Welfare Queen

Dec 22, 2009
The anti-government insurrectionist has taken more than a quarter-million dollars in government handouts thanks to corrupt farming subsidies she has been collecting for at least a decade.The anti-government insurrectionist has taken more than a quarter-million dollars in government handouts.

Age Trumps Youth in UC Tuition Dispute

Nov 25, 2009
Student protesters may think they are simply battling a wasteful, callous government bureaucracy that is more concerned about bailing out Wall Street banks than supporting a frivolous thing like education. But really the fight is about something much more basic and widespread: It is a fight between the young and the old, between California's baby boomer pensioners and everyone under 49.The fight over the 32 percent tuition hike on University of California campuses is about something much more basic and widespread than student protesters may realize.