
Public Schools Mulling Bible Literacy Class

Jan 27, 2006
The high school course on the Bible's influence on society would be an elective storyIt's such an obvious end run around the Constitution's Establishment Clause that we'll hold fire But check this: The course textbook contains a boxed feature that shows how the Bible was used "to justify and even encourage anti-Semitism" Wow! A whole boxed feature? We wonder if there's a footnote about that whole Spanish Inquisition thing .

Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections

Jan 26, 2006
With America sticking its guns in the eyes of so many Arabs, is it any wonder that Muslim hard-liners have gained so much popular support? Do we need any further proof of the neocon fallacy of Rumsfeld-style shake-n-bake democracy? | storyAnd with right-wing pretenders lingering over Sharon's deathbed, have prospects for peace in the Mideast ever looked more distant?

Oprah Turns on Frey

Jan 26, 2006
In a radical reversal, the talk show host drops her loyalty to Frey on live television and says he "betrayed millions of readers." During an interview the author admits fictions and confesses that he "made a mistake." | story