
The Pope Apparently Has God’s Playbook

Jul 10, 2006
And he's using it to make statements like this to an audience in Spain, where same-sex marriages were legalized last year: "The family is a unique institution in God's plan, and the church cannot fail to proclaim and promote its fundamental importance.? God, what a guy: powerful enough to create a universe but still needs the help of a former Hitler Youth to stigmatize homosexuals.

Robert Scheer: Why I Wasn’t Prepared for George W. Bush

Jul 10, 2006
In an interview with Democracy Now!, Truthdig Editor Robert Scheer explains how, after he had spent decades covering U.S. presidents, Bush threw him for a loop: "At least the other [presidents] knew a lot about the world, had experience, had brains about this, cared. This guy had the platinum American Express card and didn?t even want to see Paris or London." Read the whole story in Robert Scheer's new book "Playing President."

An Illustrated History of the Bikini

Jul 10, 2006
Sure, the FCC may be cracking down on indecency, but if you want to see how far society has come in that department, check out this Victorian-era "bathing machine," a hut on wheels that protected bathers from public scrutiny until they were far enough from shore to avoid being observed.

Parents Use Gadgets to Spy on Teens

Jul 10, 2006
Invasion of privacy is not just for the NSA anymore! Parents have always snooped, but as the SF Chronicle reveals, new tech toys are taking what was once standard parental prying to a whole new level of unacceptable surveillance and spying. Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned conversation? (Via

Truthdigger of the Week: Rep. Peter Hoekstra

Jul 10, 2006
Truthdig salutes Rep Peter Hoekstra, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who rapped Bush in a letter for not briefing Congress on various intelligence-gathering programs Check out a video of Hoekstra publicly defending the letter on Fox News: "It is not optional for this president or people in the executive community not to keep the intelligence committees fully informed of what they are doing".

Carolla Hangs Up on Coulter

Jul 10, 2006
The radio talk show host hung up on the right-wing hatemonger when she called in to his show late Carolla: "I don't have time for bitches" Amen, brother Hopefully radio and TV hosts will extend this by not inviting her on their shows in the first place .

Bush Is Flouting Court After Gitmo Ruling

Jul 10, 2006
Constitutional expert and best-selling author Glenn Greenwald reminds us that the Supreme Court's Hamdan decision not only outlawed Bush's military tribunals, but also removed any conceivable argument to support Bush's illegal wiretapping programs. Greenwald: "Journalists should begin asking the Justice Department every day what their legal justification for warrantless eavesdropping is now that Hamdan has rendered frivolous their prior legal arguments in defense of the President."

The Brutality of Iraq’s Civil War Deepens

Jul 9, 2006
According to the AP: "Masked Shiite gunmen stopped cars in western Baghdad Sunday and grabbed people off the streets, singling out the Sunni Arabs among them and killing at least 41." And lest you think it is only progressives who are calling it a "civil war," check out what Colin Powell just told Arianna Huffington: ?We're not going to leave behind anything we like because we are in the middle of a civil war.?