
In Kurdistan, Women Are Coming Into Their Own
Dec 9, 2019 The feminist Sofia Society sets its sights on better education for girls and ending sexual violence in a particularly male-dominated culture.
Lesbians Are a Target of Male Violence the World Over
Sep 6, 2019 In many countries, they have won legislative equality. But the grim reality is that they still have reason to fear for their safety.
The Real Face of Prostitution
Jun 12, 2019 Johns have no problem justifying it, but women are heavily criminalized, despite evidence that many are coerced and exploited into it.
A Surrogate Mother’s Cautionary Tale
Mar 6, 2019 Defenders of the practice of surrogacy contend that everyone benefits from it, but that’s not always the case.
Activist Zeros In on Canada’s Indigenous Women
Dec 13, 2018 Cherry Smiley believes the government hasn’t done enough to correct conditions that resulted in nearly 3,000 murdered or missing women since the 1970s.
The Brutal Normality of Switzerland’s Sex Market
Oct 30, 2018 The country's reputation for having a humane asylum system flies in the face of its willingness to see women sold on its streets in broad daylight.
The Underbelly of the Sex-Trade Industry
Sep 11, 2018 Five years as a prostitute in Spain fueled one woman's passion to end trafficking and other forms of violence against women.
Sex Trade’s Female Victims: ‘Spoiled Goods,’ Damaged Lives
Apr 11, 2018 In Cambodia, South Africa and Albania—among other places—violence, poverty and extreme male dominance create a context in which men who pay for sex go uncensured, but the women and girls involved are permanently stigmatized.
The Pimping of Prostitution: An Excerpt
Sep 22, 2017 A new book reveals how survivors of prostitution are bullied, harassed, vilified, libeled and slandered by pro-prostitution activists.
A Union of Pimps and Johns
May 19, 2017 Though backers of "sex worker" unions claim the groups promote rights, the women I interviewed seemed anything but empowered. (Pictured, Cambodian prostitutes.)