
Why Did Mail-in Ballots in Georgia Plunge by One Million?
Nov 14, 2022 Greg Palast investigates the GOP voting laws behind the forced run-off in the Peachtree State Senate race.
End PG&E’s Reign of Error With a Hostile Takeover
Nov 6, 2019 Who would head up such a takeover? The public.
The Las Vegas Shooter, Two Years Later
Oct 4, 2019 Why Steve Paddock killed dozens of innocent Las Vegas revelers two years ago isn’t as much of a mystery when you consider his roots.
Journalist Facing a Gun Captures a Viral Photo in Charlottesville
Aug 14, 2017 Zach D. Roberts records an image of four white neo-Nazis beating a black man.
Chelsea Manning and the Deepwater Horizon Deaths
Apr 19, 2015 Five years ago Monday, 11 men died on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig -- despite Manning’s effort to save their lives Let me explainFive years ago Monday, 11 men died on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig—despite Manning’s effort to save their lives.
From White Sheets to Spreadsheets
Mar 6, 2015 Fifty years after King's march from Selma, new methods are being used to block African-Americans from voting: Jim Crow has become Dr. James Crow, systems analyst.
BP and the Three Stooges Defense
Sep 11, 2014 Although US District Judge Carl Barbier found BP liable for “gross negligence” last week, some U media failed to mention that he let BP off the hook on punitive damages And that stuns me, given that the record seems to identify enough smoking guns to roast a sizable pigU District Judge Carl Barbier let BP off the hook on punitive damages last week, which stuns me, given that the record seems to identify enough smoking guns to roast a sizable pig .
Lap Dancers, the CIA, Payoffs and BP’s Deepwater Horizon
Apr 18, 2014 Four years ago this Sunday, the Deepwater Horizon blowout incinerated 11 men and poisoned 600 miles of Gulf coastline. What political fairy dust allows BP to remain virtually immune from the consequences?Four years ago today, the Deepwater Horizon blowout incinerated 11 men and poisoned 600 miles of Gulf coastline. What political fairy dust allows BP to remain virtually immune from the consequences?
Death Came by Water, Then by Oil
Mar 28, 2014 It was Good Friday, 50 years ago on March 27, 1964, when an earthquake-spurred tsunami wiped out the Chugach village in Chenega, Alaska. Twenty-five years later, as villagers celebrated the rebuilding of their home, a wave of oil from the Exxon Valdez began to move their way.Fifty years ago a tsunami wiped out the Chugach village. Twenty-five years later, as villagers celebrated the rebuilding of their home, another kind of wave headed their way.