
Three New European Union Laws May Limit Freedom of the Press
Apr 15, 2016 The European Parliament—the E.U.’s legislative arm—passed a controversial legislative package with the potential to allow member countries to restrict what journalists report.How Bill O’Reilly Almost Made Donald Trump Look Good (Video)
Apr 15, 2016 In an interview with the presidential candidate about his plans to woo black voters, Fox’s “O’Reilly Factor” host sank to new lows.‘Days of Revolt’: Corporate Influence and the Pitfalls of a Two-Party System (Video)
Apr 14, 2016 Chris Hedges and Green Party Senate candidate Dr. Margaret Flowers examine the rigged political system and the corporate money that controls it.
Privacy Rights Victory: California Encryption Bill Shut Down by Legislators
Apr 14, 2016 The bill, which would have penalized companies that refuse to cooperate with the government over encrypted phones, did not go to a vote.
Kansas Voter Registration Discrepancy May Have Disenfranchised Spanish-Speaking Voters
Apr 14, 2016 Why are there multiple differences between the English-language and Spanish-language version of the state’s voting guide?
This Quiz Shows the Depressing, Racist Truth About Juror Bias in the United States
Apr 12, 2016 The Marshall Project wants everyone to know just how hard it is to prove that unconstitutional prejudice exists within a jury.
Bernie Sanders Outpacing Rivals in Effectiveness of Campaign Ads
Apr 12, 2016 An independent analysis shows that the presidential contender's video advertisements have been best at getting voters’ attention.
Investigation Continues in Death of Gynnya McMillen, 16-Year-Old Girl Who Died in Police Custody
Apr 12, 2016 Two employees of the Kentucky juvenile detention center where the young African-American was found dead in January were arraigned last week on misdemeanor charges of official misconduct in connection with her death.
Why Aren’t Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Talking About Encryption?
Apr 8, 2016 The controversy over encryption has been one of the biggest public debates of the year so far, yet the Democratic presidential candidates have been largely silent on the subject.