
Youth in Revolt

Feb 2, 2013
Guided by the notion that unregulated, market-driven values and relations should shape every domain of human life, a business model of governance has eviscerated any viable notion of social responsibility and conscience in the United States, writes Henry A. Giroux in his new book, "Youth in Revolt."

War on Youth

Dec 3, 2012
In a second annual lecture for the Histories of Violence project, professor, critic and political theorist Henry A. Giroux talks about a subject in which he’s become expert: the systematic ways that governments across the globe visit violence on young people.
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The ‘Suicidal State’ and the War on Youth

Apr 11, 2012
Everywhere we look, the power of the rich and powerful operates to create a "suicidal state" in which regulations meant to restrict their corrupting power are shredded; shamelessly and without apology, they use their unchecked power to lay off millions of workers while simultaneously cutting the benefits and rights of those on the job in order to dramatically increase corporate profits.

Henry Giroux on Youth in a Culture of Hopelessness

Oct 9, 2011
In an interview with Al-Jazeera English, Truthout contributor and McMaster University professor Henry Giroux spoke about the social and economic forces that have turned young people into what he says is the most powerless, least represented and most disposable group in America, and discussed how youths of marginalized race and class might join the growing Occupy Wall Street movement. (more)

Are the Democrats Losing the Young?

Sep 3, 2010
It turns out that maybe being young and liberal isn't necessarily in our blood after all. Despite historical trends that peg young people as Democrats, a new Pew Research survey suggests that recent economic woes have led fewer 18- to 29-year-olds to identify themselves as Democrats.

Riots Spread In France

Nov 28, 2007
Unrest has broken out in the city of Toulouse in southern France as riots continued for a third night in Paris. France's prime minister has called the youths involved "criminals," and President Nicolas Sarkozy has scheduled an emergency meeting of his security staff for Wednesday.