working class

Here Comes the Capital Strike

Nov 26, 2011
From his seat in Congress, House Speaker John Boehner announced in mid-September that American business owners would continue to hold the nation's wealth (and thus the public welfare) hostage until government granted them the “low-tax, deregulated world they wanted,” writes journalist and author Thomas Frank in Harper’s online. (more)
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Plight of U.S. Workers, by the Numbers

Jul 4, 2011
You already know Americans are overworked. But what are the hard numbers? This collection of charts from definitive sources plainly shows that the biggest industries are hiring the least, the Internet has extended the workday, employed women do more domestic work with less leisure time than men, and more.

$26 Billion for States and Schools

Aug 6, 2010
A $26 billion aid package was passed by the Senate on Thursday that aims to ensure that school districts and states do not have to can tens of thousands of teachers and government workers. Just two Republicans crossed the ideological aisle to support the bill, which now heads to the House.

Pitting Worker Against Worker

May 1, 2010
In this May Day special feature, economist Moshe Adler argues that the answer to our immigration, labor and broader economic problems is more immigration and more welfare for all.

McCain Defiant in Ohio

Oct 31, 2008
What is it with politicians and the poetics of town names? John McCain is launching his electoral last stand in a place called, seriously, Defiance, Ohio. The rough 'n' tumblin', dissident, anti-status-quo Republican candidate for president is following in the footsteps of Barack Obama, who campaigned in Unity, N.H., with Hillary Clinton after a barbed primary.

Spin Control With Your Host, President Sarkozy

Apr 25, 2008
French President Nicolas Sarkozy strode into office a year ago after talking big about economic growth, but by early 2008 he complained that "the till's already empty" -- as he sported flashy accessories and stepped out with an even flashier new partner, Carla Bruni. Now, "Sarko" is doing crisis management and offering apologies for his past mistakes.