
Blockbuster Report: AT&T Allows NSA to Spy on Entire Internet

May 22, 2006
This is the big one, folks Wired News unearths internal AT&T documents that show how the telecom company, at the behest of the government, built "secret rooms" in cities across America that enable the NSA "to look at every individual message on the Internet and analyze exactly what people are doing" Story and AT&T internal documents Wired News explains why it published the story.

Hayden Denounces Media Coverage of CIA Activities

May 18, 2006
Gen. Michael Hayden bemoaned the "endless picking apart" of CIA operations in the news media during today's confirmation hearing on his nomination to head the intelligence agency. If the architect of the NSA domestic wiretapping program gets this promotion, it will be like a Jon Stewart joke gone horribly wrong.
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Watching What You Say

May 12, 2006
Before the USA Today story, The Nation magazine had loads of details on the NSA-telecom spying program: a lawsuit against AT&T; links between telecom officials and the White House; and a history of how these insidious relationships developed.

Likely New CIA Director Misled Congress on Wiretapping

May 7, 2006
Michael Hayden, who will probably replace outgoing CIA chief Porter Goss, told Congress in 2002 that all domestic surveillance was consistent with the FISA law--knowing full well of Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program. The Fraud and False Statements statute (18 U.S.C. 1001) makes Hayden?s misleading statements to Congress illegal, according to a Clinton-era national security official. See a Time article on Hayden's impending appointment.

N.Y. Times on Bush: A Bad Leak

Apr 16, 2006
The New York Times editorial page writes that "even a president cannot wave a wand and announce that an intelligence report is declassified." Also, check out how Editor & Publisher handily took down the Washington Post editorial board's defense of the leak.

Vermont Democrats Call for Bush Impeachment

Apr 10, 2006
One hundred Vermont state officials agreed to petition the Republican-controlled Congress to introduce articles of impeachment against Bush for the WMD and wiretapping scandals. "You know in your own hearts and minds that something is terribly wrong in this country," said one Vermont Democrat.

Bush Can’t Escape His Own Statements

Feb 6, 2006
As Attorney General Alberto Gonzales prepares for Monday's hearings, we should keep in mind the president's 2004 statement about warrantless wiretaps: "Anytime you hear the United States government talking about a wiretap, it requires--a wiretap requires a court order" (Hat tip: crooksandliarscom) | video.