
Pitting Worker Against Worker

May 1, 2010
In this May Day special feature, economist Moshe Adler argues that the answer to our immigration, labor and broader economic problems is more immigration and more welfare for all.
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Massachusetts Senate Race Heats Up

Jan 16, 2010
He's not your, er, conventional Republican -- having spent part of his childhood being raised by a bona fide welfare mom, not to mention posing nude during law school -- but regardless, Massachusetts state Sen. Scott Brown could pose a serious challenge to his Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, in the race to fill the late Edward Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat.

And Now, the California Budget Cuts

Jan 9, 2010
What's to be done about California's budget woes? Well, Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger is cutting way back on spending on such superfluous concerns as "health, welfare, transport and the environment," according to the BBC But really, this'll hurt him more than it'll hurt oh, never mind .

Election ‘Revolution’ Swings Japan to the Left

Aug 31, 2009
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party has ruled for all but 11 months since 1955, but a stunning electoral defeat cut its representation in the Diet by perhaps hundreds of seats The victor in all this, Yukio Hatoyama, called it a revolution and promised to take Japan from a corporate state to a welfare state.

That Good Ol’ Tennessee Socialism

Jul 27, 2009
Faced with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, Tennessee has taken matters into its own hands. In a work project inspired by the New Deal, the state is using money from the federal stimulus package to create hundreds of jobs ranging from working for the state Transportation Department to baking goodies at the local pie shop.

California Sees Red

Jul 16, 2009
Looks like Republicans are going to win out in California's seemingly endless budget battle, despite holding a minority in the state Legislature. The deal lawmakers are inching toward favors Gov. Schwarzenegger's desire to make the poor, the elderly and schoolchildren pay for the state's financial crisis.

Number of Welfare Recipients Rises Sharply

Jun 22, 2009
The number of people claiming welfare has gone up in 23 of the 30 largest states since last year. The biggest increases can be found in states with the highest unemployment rates. The new figures are troublesome considering how difficult it is to qualify for welfare, which caters only to the very poor. In a time of recession and few jobs, many others may be slipping through the cracks because they don't qualify for help.