washington post

Newsroom Carnage Continues at The Washington Post

May 16, 2008
This just in: The Washington Post is the latest major newspaper to undergo the apparently inevitable newsroom downsizing process, clearing out 100 more journalists with a "blunt instrument," as former Post (and former New York Times) writer Sharon Waxman reports in her WaxWord blog. "The Washington Post as I know it has jumped the shark," Waxman laments.

On the Wrong Track

May 12, 2008
According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 82 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. The same survey recorded a record-low approval rating for President Bush. Sixty-two percent of Republicans, a group that still favors the president, take a negative view of the country's direction.

Battle of the Hawks

May 7, 2008
In the increasingly unlikely event of a McCain-Clinton election, folks who care about the peace issue would have serious reason to worry. Both of these candidates are inveterate hawks, and what we would be up against is a choice between the neoconservatives and the neoliberals as to who could be more adventurous in getting us into unjustifiable foreign wars.
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Angelina Jolie: Now’s the Time to Help Iraqis

Feb 29, 2008
For those inclined to ask "who cares?" every time a celebrity-and-politics news item makes the rounds, consider it asked already. For everyone else, The Washington Post published an opinion piece by actress Angelina Jolie on Thursday about the problem of Iraqi refugees fleeing to Syria, Jordan and "a vast and very dangerous no-man's land" within their own borders. Now, Jolie says, is the time for Americans to "do some of the good we always stated we intended to do."

Dissent From the Front Lines

Oct 17, 2007
When will we listen to the troops? I'm not talking about soldiers used as props for a George Bush photo op, telling reporters what Washington wants to hear. The Iraq war has produced brilliant messages of dissent from the ranks that should cause us to stop in our tracks and reconsider what we have wrought.

Iraq Reality Check

Sep 4, 2007
The Washington Post has three excellent reports that refute the rosy depiction of Iraq by so many politicians and pundits these days After such a lousy prewar performance for the media in general, it's nice to see one of the most mainstream of outlets dig in and investigate what's really going on while the administration tries to pass off hype as genuine progress.

The Candidate Behind the Cleavage

Jul 26, 2007
Among the endless reasons I will never run for public office is a deep-seated fear of having my wardrobe subject to the fashion police. Excuse me, the fashion shrinks -- those media monitors who seek deep meaning in every shoe, sexual clues in every hemline, and psychological insights in every shirt collar.

$20 Million for ‘Good News’ From Iraq

Sep 1, 2006
According to the Washington Post: "US military leaders in Baghdad have put out for bid a two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for extensive monitoring of U and Middle Eastern media in an effort to promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq" Your money at work! (Via boingboing).