washington d.c.

Washington State Upholds Gay Marriage Ban

Jul 27, 2006
Bigots are delighting at this blow against tolerance. Massachusetts is now the only state still extending full marriage benefits to homosexual couples. On an intellectual level, it's interesting to read the logical flights of fancy that judges have to make in their opinions to codify this kind of hatred into law.

Have You Passed the New Democratic Sniff Test?

Jul 17, 2006
The George Soros-backed Democracy Alliance pools contributions from the richest progressive donors in the country to fund advocacy groups capable of building a counterweight to the well-entrenched conservative movement But there's a potential dark side for groups whose views don't conform to the Alliance's (more) .
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From U.S. Embassy in Iraq, a Grim Report

Jun 19, 2006
A private report made by the US Embassy in Iraq, obtained by the Washington Post, paints a portrait of increasing danger faced by its Iraqi employees who live outside the Green Zone: "harassment, threats and the employees' constant fears that their neighbors will discover they work for the U government" .

Feds Cut Anti-Terror Funding in NYC, D.C.

Jun 1, 2006
The Department of Homeland Security slashed anti-terrorism money for Washington and New York in favor of cities like Jacksonville and Sacramento. Stunner: "A DHS risk scorecard for the city asserted that the home of the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge has 'zero' national monuments or icons."

Democrats Wooing Evangelical Christians

May 23, 2006
Just as the GOP tried to pull African Americans away from the Democratic Party, so too are Democrats going after the Republicans' base: evangelical Christians. But a Washington Post columninst asks: "What does it profit a party to gain a demographic but lose its soul?" Earlier: The Religious Left Rises Again

Free the Internet: The Movie

May 11, 2006
If you're disturbed by the thought of Internet service providers deciding which websites you can have access to, watch this short, entertaining and disturbing movie that crystalizes the battle now being waged over this issue in Washington and the blogosphere.