
Biden One-Ups Bush

Sep 26, 2007
It's not just Bushie loyalists and Republicans who are gunning for more money to be poured (out of taxpayers' pockets) into the Iraq war chest. Take Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), who is aiming to double Bush's proposed $12 billion in funding for the rapid production of mine resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles -- a proposition which, Scheer argues, is about much more than the security of U.S. troops.
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Ahmadinejad Pooh-Poohs Nukes and War

Sep 24, 2007
Before leaving for New York, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told "60 Minutes" that his nation was not going to war with the US and that the nuclear bomb had outlived its usefulness: "If it was useful, it would have prevented the downfall of the Soviet Union; if it was useful, it would resolved the problem the Americans have in Iraq The time of the bomb is passed".

Privatizing Murder

Sep 20, 2007
There is no set piece more emblematic of the tragic farce that is the American involvement in Iraq than the grotesque episode of Blackwater USA and the killing of civilians in Baghdad -- at least nine and as many as 28 -- on Sunday.

Supporting the Troops, GOP-Style

Sep 20, 2007
Senate Republicans have successfully blocked a three-month expansion of troop leave, which the Democrats hoped would provide pressure to withdraw without cutting off funds. John McCain called the effort to give our fighting men and women 15 months off between combat deployments "dangerous."

Checkbook Imperialism: The Blackwater Fiasco

Sep 18, 2007
The latest Blackwater USA scandal, in which privately contracted American security troops gunned down innocent bystanders in Baghdad, might cause the Iraqi government to finally give firms like Blackwater their marching orders -- if only it could command the power to order these mercenary operations out of the country.