
Wal-Mart 1, Women 0

Jun 20, 2011
The US Supreme Court has ruled unanimously against a group that sued Wal-Mart over alleged sex discrimination in matters of pay and promotion in the name of up to 15 million women who worked there and at Sam's Club since 1998 Monday's decision reversed a California U Court of Appeals decision (more).

SCOTUS Split on Wal-Mart Suit

Mar 31, 2011
Is the law of our land gender-neutral? And might the gender of the justices handling a case -- as in the case of the gargantuan and complex sexual discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart under consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court -- impact important legal decisions?
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Playing Publicity With Health Care?

Jul 1, 2009
SEIU President Andrew Stern and Wal-Mart have joined forces, breaking with most other companies to support President Obama's plan requiring employers to provide health insurance to workers. The thing often forgotten is Wal-Mart's horrible record on health care and its current move to make about 40 percent of its employees part-time and thus ineligible for benefits.

A Casualty of Black Friday

Nov 29, 2008
What does the post-Thanksgiving shopping rush dubbed Black Friday really symbolize in the U.S.? The death of a Long Island worker after a mob of shoppers rushed into a Wal-Mart certainly shows the worst of American consumerism and excess, but where do we position such exuberance in a time of economic downturn?

Inflation at 17-Year High

Aug 15, 2008
Stagflation: It's always sounded like a dirty word, and is hopelessly tied to retro jokes about the '70s. But with GDP growth already, well, stagnant, the Labor Department announced Thursday that July saw the highest rate of inflation in 17 years, meaning you can now appropriately drop the word into water cooler convo without seeming like a potty-mouth or a retro hipster. On the downside, you are now paying 5.6 percent more for things than you did at this time last year.

Wal-Mart Rethinks Gun Policy

Apr 16, 2008
A year after the Virginia Tech massacre, the world's No 1 gun merchant has agreed to tighter controls over firearm sales One-third of Wal-Mart stores will no longer sell guns, another third will have stricter rules, and the other third well, baby steps Needless to say, the National Rifle Association is outraged.