wall street

Pelosi Balks at Bailout Scheme

Sep 22, 2008
Nancy Pelosi isn't buying into the idea of a $700 billion gift basket for Wall Street without any strings attached. The House speaker is all for a bailout, so long as it's clear that "the party is over for the Bush administration’s anything goes, failed economic policies." Update 2
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McCain Calls for End to Big Business Bailouts

Sep 20, 2008
And now, this latest dispatch from the U.S. Department of Unintentional Irony: Sen. John McCain spoke out against the Federal Reserve's recent bids to give life support (read: gigantic amounts of money) to failing financial institutions. Isn't he the same guy who has looked to Phil Gramm for economic advice?

Obama Ads, McCain-Is-Economically-Clueless Edition

Sep 19, 2008
Turns out that having Phil Gramm on one's economic advisory team may not be the best way to demonstrate one's readiness to inherit the gigantic mess that the U.S. economy has become under the Bush administration's not-so-close watch -- or at least that's what Obama's camp is pointing out in this ad on the financial debacle.

Bush Makes Cameo Appearance at White House

Sep 19, 2008
President Bush had been laying low over recent days, but it seems his inner circle considered it prudent to trot him out for a brief appearance at the White House. He surfaced on Thursday to speak vaguely about the snowballing economic crisis on Wall Street before disappearing once again.

Fiddling While Wall Street Burns

Sep 18, 2008
Obama shows more promise than McCain, if only because he correctly sees deregulatory zeal as a culprit. But Obama's economic strategy simply can't be implemented now: He wants to spend on necessary investments such as health care, but would have no money to do it.

Wall Street Socialists

Sep 18, 2008
With financial institutions begging for bailouts, taxpayers should be in the driver's seat. Instead, decisions that will cost people for decades are being made behind closed doors, by the wealthy, by the regulators and by those they have failed to regulate.