town hall
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The Rhetoric of Health Care Misinformation

Aug 11, 2009
What is it about chain e-mails that makes potentially reasonable people who might even be wary of believing everything they read -- at least when it comes to stories generated by media outlets -- so gullible and so willing to latch on to hyperbolic distortions and ideologically driven misinformation campaigns?

House Leaders Cite ‘Un-American’ Activities

Aug 11, 2009
We're sympathetic to members of the House who find themselves getting yelled at by hecklers with less-than-pure motives, but calling that behavior "un-American" is probably ill-advised when you represent a body of government that famously had a committee by the same name.

Obama Gives Health Plan a Town-Hall Pitch

Jul 2, 2009
While Congress was away, President Obama made another play to boost public support of his health care reform plan. It came Wednesday in a town-hall-esque forum in Virginia. Those hoping for the federal government to back a viable single-payer system, however, will have to keep on hoping.

Obama Takes Americans’ Questions in Virtual Forum

Mar 26, 2009
In a bid to interact more directly with the public at large, the Obama administration once again turned to the Web, inviting Americans to submit questions for Thursday's online "town hall" meeting. Here President Obama sets the stage with his opening remarks, discusses helping homeowners and considers whether marijuana should be legalized.

Obama Wins in Nashville

Oct 8, 2008
As was the case in the first presidential debate, Barack Obama emerged from Tuesday night’s confrontation with John McCain in Nashville, Tenn., in command of the situation. The Democratic nominee looked calm, confident and presidential as he won their second contest.

Obama and McCain Talk Morality at OC Mega-Church

Aug 17, 2008
Barack Obama's first official foray into the public eye after his Hawaiian vacation was an unusual one, although not unimportant (like it or not): On Saturday, both Obama and John McCain met with the Rev. Rick Warren of the evangelical Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., to discuss their positions on abortion, morality, marriage and other hot-button issues before a select audience.