the nation

Alexander Cockburn at Ease

Jul 24, 2012
Fashion, tips for surviving a police encounter, and why we might all be better off when the American empire crumbles are among the subjects the late CounterPunch editor Alexander Cockburn rapped about in a conversation in the Deep South sometime during the summer of 2006.
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Chileans Schooled in the Art of Protest

Aug 21, 2011
In Chile, where the average monthly minimum wage income falls $100 short of college tuition costs, students are continuing their winter of kiss-ins, marches and hunger strikes against private, for-profit education and demanding affordable state-run schools. (more)

Corporate Front Group Burns Americans

Aug 2, 2011
ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, is a secretive association of corporations and state legislators that has been crafting public policy to suit corporate interests since 1973 The organization is not new, but the opportunity to review (more) .

Bread and the ‘Tropic of Chaos’

Jul 21, 2011
Christian Parenti, who writes regularly for The Nation magazine, has published a book detailing some of the present and future social impacts of climate change. In an essay on Tom, he connects the rising cost of bread to the revolutionary uprisings in the Middle East and Northern Africa. (more)

Murdoch’s Officers Jump the Deck

Jul 15, 2011
Les Hinton, chairman of Dow Jones and publisher of The Wall Street Journal, and Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper operations, both resigned Friday over connections to the now-defunct News of the World’s recent phone hacking scandal (more).

The Nation Magazine Rethinks Capitalism

Jul 10, 2011
Last month, editors at The Nation magazine published 13 mini-essays on the subject of how to make capitalism "less destructive and domineering, [and] more focused on what people really need for fulfilling lives" written by lefty thinkers in business, activism and politics. (more)

Dick Gephardt, Corporate Lobbyist

Oct 20, 2009
If it seems contradictory (read: hypocritical) that former Rep. Dick Gephardt, at one time a self-styled anti-lobbying, pro-labor crusader, would become a lobbyist for Visa and Goldman Sachs, well, that's because it is. Oh, and you can strike "pro-environment" off of Gephardt's list of political poses, too.