
Clinton Looks Ahead

Feb 12, 2008
Sen. Hillary Clinton is focusing on the high points of the last week -- her Super Tuesday successes in weighty states like New York and California, for example -- and looking to potential wins in Texas and other elections to hold her position in the race for the Democratic nomination in coming weeks.

Momentum vs. Toughing It Out

Feb 11, 2008
With a win in the Maine caucuses, Barack Obama has scored four lopsided victories in a row and the map favors him for weeks to come. Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, responded to her troubles by replacing her campaign manager. Clinton now has to hold back Obama's momentum long enough to win the big states weeks from now, a strategy that did not help Rudy Guiliani.
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Ron Paul Doesn’t Accept Evolution

Dec 23, 2007
The one and only anti-war Republican presidential candidate didn't raise his hand when asked who doesn't believe in evolution, but it turns out he may have wanted to. In this clip, Paul responds to a question about the incident by saying that it was an "inappropriate question," but that "I think it's a theory -- theory of evolution -- and I don't accept it."

Rep. Poe: Halliburton/KBR Gang Rape Not ‘Isolated Case’

Dec 14, 2007
Texas Rep. Ted Poe, pushing for a probe into the case of former Halliburton/KBR employee Jamie Leigh Jones, who says she was gang-raped by co-workers in Iraq and then intimidated into keeping silent, urged other possible victims of crimes against U.S. contract employees working abroad to come forward, saying he believes Jones' case is not unique.

Ron Paul: Iraq War Will Cost $3.5 Trillion

Nov 20, 2007
It's difficult to fully comprehend the total price tag of the Iraq war, but Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has made some staggering calculations, coming up with a whopping $3.5 trillion -- including "hidden costs" such as interest on the money we're borrowing, and long-term health care for vets.

Kinky Friedman’s Ten Commandments

Oct 30, 2007
The always entertaining Kinky Friedman, author most recently of "You Can Lead a Politician to Water, but You Can't Make Him Think: Ten Commandments for Texas Politics," tells Truthdig why the Internet is the work of Satan, why politicians are "stuck on stupid" and why even God couldn't beat the Republicans in Texas.

Texas Church Calls Off Gay Vet’s Funeral

Aug 12, 2007
The family of Navy veteran Cecil Sinclair says it's deeply insulted because a Dallas-area megachurch reneged on its offer to hold a memorial for the 46-year-old Gulf War serviceman just 24 hours before the service was to take place. The reason? Sinclair was gay -- a fact that Sinclair's sister insists High Point Church leaders already knew, despite their denials.