
Obama and O’Reilly Square Off

Sep 5, 2008
The first installment of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's interview with Bill O'Reilly aired Thursday, during which the Fox News host drove a hard line about Iran's nuclear program and the success of the "surge" in Iraq. "Why can't you just say, 'I was right in the beginning and I was wrong about the surge?' " asked O'Reilly.

‘Surge’ Rhetoric Not Universal

Aug 8, 2008
Despite criticisms of the efficacy of the "surge" in Iraq, a US commander in Afghanistan has dared to say that a planned "surge" in Afghanistan would in fact not help U interests in the country The commander did make sure not to completely deweaponize the Bush administration's rhetoric, suggesting instead that a different type of surge is needed.
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New McCain Gaffes on Iraq

Jul 24, 2008
Sen. John McCain didn't just get his cause-and-effect order wrong on the so-called surge strategy in Iraq, he also claimed in a CBS interview that the increased troop deployment and associated change in tactics protected a key Sunni sheik who helped lead the "Anbar Awakening." Problem? Said sheik was actually assassinated during the surge. Meanwhile, CBS is under fire for editing out these gaffes in its on-air presentation of the interview.

Petraeus Shows Obama the Sights

Jul 21, 2008
Gen. David Petraeus gave his potential boss, Barack Obama, a helicopter tour of Baghdad on Monday. It's a technique the general has used in the past to show normal life in Baghdad -- from a safe distance. John McCain suggested recently that Petraeus would change Obama's mind and his plan about withdrawing from Iraq, but that plan has newfound momentum and it could easily be Gen. Petraeus who is asked to carry it out.

Obama Begins World Tour

Jul 20, 2008
Barack Obama embarked on his international diplomacy tour -- a key step in raising his profile on the world stage and demonstrating his readiness to take over the American presidency -- with an important first major stop. The Illinois senator landed in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Saturday as part of congressional delegation surveying the current situation in that troubled nation.