
For China, a Criminally Funny Poem

Jan 9, 2007
When Qin Zhongfei took 10 minutes to scribble down a satirical poem about local bureaucrats, he had no idea it would land him a month in jail -- a sign that free expression still languishes in China, despite hopes that President Hu Jintao's economic reforms would translate to a more open society.

Arianna on Election Fear Factor

Oct 25, 2006
Arianna Huffington issues an appeal for calm in the face of election season fear-mongering: "Remember FDR. 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' And, of course, those who use it for their own political purposes." (Video & Transcript)
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Limbaugh Brings His Claptrap to CBS

Sep 8, 2006
Rush Limbaugh said something stupid again, only this time on CBS? nightly ?Free Speech? segment, where the radio show host railed against those evil people who are ?more interested in punishing this country over a few incidents of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay than they are in defeating those who want to kill us.? (Video & Transcript)

Mayor’s Home Run for Truth: Antiwar Rally in Salt Lake City

Aug 31, 2006
In recognition of Bush's visit to the Utah capital, Mayor Rocky Anderson gave a speech to a crowd of thousands calling Bush a "dishonest, war-mongering, human-rights-violating president" whose time in office would "rank as the worst presidency our nation has ever had to endure." Thank you, Salt Lake City! Watch it here. Full transcript here (pdf).

Rumsfeld Goes Off the Deep End

Aug 30, 2006
The Secretary of Defense compared critics of the war in Iraq to Nazi appeasers, saying the critics have failed to heed the lessons of history. (story and video) History, huh? Well, based on current policy, one imagines that Rumsfeld would have recommended invading China in response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Truthdigger of the Week: Jean Rohe

May 22, 2006
Truthdig salutes New School University graduating senior Jean Rohe, whose commencement speech at Madison Square Garden on Friday preemptively struck against the address that Sen. John McCain was due to deliver directly after her.Click here for links to the speech, biographical information on Rohe, and the instantly infamous response by one of McCain's staffers in which he insulted Rohe's graduating class and called her an "idiot" in print.UPDATE: Rohe responds to the McCain staffer: "Please don't try to bully me anymore." UPDATE #2: Rohe goes on MSNBC.